Hello all,
For those of you who do not know, GUSU is investigating the potential for opening a cooperative Fitness Center for folks with SCI. Please take a few moments and complete the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z7JZD87 We at GUSU are committed to helping to foster the CURE work. At the risk of oversimplifying we look at the CURE work as twofold: 1. Expediting the research innovations through public policy (the $1 million state fund that just passed), fundraising, educating, organizing 2. Helping to prepare the community for the coming innovations. Number 2 is what I’m talking about here. We expect that the coming innovations, barring something miraculous, will begin with modest functional benefit. And in order to make the most of that benefit, people with paralysis need to be physically prepared for the intense rehab that will likely follow (in addition to the overall benefit of regular physical exercise). We also believe that the traditional sites for rehab do not currently have the capacity or flexibility to adequately and fully serve the community. So we are proposing a community owned centrally located facility to provide access for our community, fill in the gaps and get ready. Please take the survey wherever your opinion falls on the matter. We want to hear from you. Also, please share with your friends in the area and ask them to take the survey as well. Thanks M