MN Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research Grant Act (2015)
The State of Minnesota established the Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Program effective July 1, 2015. Research funding from the Legislature will be split 50/50 between spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. In 2017 grant awards for spinal cord injury research projects were supplemented by a $15,000 program donation from the Get Up to Cure Paralysis Foundation.
May 30th, 2017
The State of Minnesota approved the Minnesota Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Grant Program for $6
million for the biennium. Governor Dayton signed the bill May 30, 2017. This is a $5 million increase! Great job to all those advocates who made it to the capital to share personal stories and express support to the representatives. This program will change lives, and we are excited to see what research grants will be supported through the program.
May 30th, 2017
The State of Minnesota approved the Minnesota Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Grant Program for $6
million for the biennium. Governor Dayton signed the bill May 30, 2017. This is a $5 million increase! Great job to all those advocates who made it to the capital to share personal stories and express support to the representatives. This program will change lives, and we are excited to see what research grants will be supported through the program.
Recipients of 2016-17 Grants
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The key to successfully passing a bill through both the House of Representatives and the Senate is gathering as many individual legislators to support, or at least to not oppose, that piece of legislation. The most successful way to do this is by direct communication from a constituent to their respective legislator. This is where you can help. If you want to cure paralysis, to make infinitely better the lives of those that you know with TBI or SCI, or to bring this new and tangibly advancing medical research field to our state: email, write, or call your legislator. If you can, ask them for a meeting. When face-to-face, discuss why you believe in and support this bill. You can print the fact sheet below which summarizes most of which you and your representative needs to know. The bill will have been introduced, so your senator or congressperson should be familiar with it.
If you have any questions or want some more in-depth information and talking points, Please email us at [email protected]
Here is where you can find your legislators.
Please, if you want to make a change, and you believe in helping me, us, thousands of people around the state and country, contact your representatives and let them know this is something that needs to happen. Thank you
If you have any questions or want some more in-depth information and talking points, Please email us at [email protected]
Here is where you can find your legislators.
Please, if you want to make a change, and you believe in helping me, us, thousands of people around the state and country, contact your representatives and let them know this is something that needs to happen. Thank you
Below is a fact sheet with explanation and reasoning to support this bill. Look to this page for updates as the bill moves through the legislative process.
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And here is a letter of support from LifeScience Alley.
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Wednesday, January 21st was our second roll to the Minnesota State Capitol. We had a few set meetings and a spattering of impromptu conversations with our representatives, both leading to strong support from members of both parties. The bill has not been formally introduced, so we don't want to jump the gun, but stay tuned for the Who's Who of this piece of legislation. Overall it was a great day with even more of our group coming out to do really democraticy stuff; after only our second outing we can already feel the momentum that we, and the other supporters of the bill, are creating.
If you're reading this and want to help, you certainly can. We will need everybody's support, and the support of their respective representatives. Click the button below for details on what you can do. Thank you very much, even one voice really does help.
If you're reading this and want to help, you certainly can. We will need everybody's support, and the support of their respective representatives. Click the button below for details on what you can do. Thank you very much, even one voice really does help.
Our Bill has a jacket.

We submitted the MN SCI/ TBI Research Grant Bill to the "Hopper" today for the House with 22 great Representatives coauthoring the bill! This is the first step to becoming official. The Senate Bill was submitted Monday. Thank you to for your support, everyone who has helped, come to the Capitol, and the legislators who have supported the bill, we still have a long road ahead of us. #cureSCI #Paralysis