CRITICAL!!!Okay Folks this is it. I need all of you to call/write/email the letter I’ve written below because we have run into a speed bump….I’ll try and be brief. The Senate Higher Education Committee is going to introduce its Budget Bill on Tuesday this coming week. At this point the Committee Chair wants to roll our initiative into a singular bill to fund the University of MN’s Regenerative Medicine Bill appropriation. This is not what we want because this will not follow the innovations around the state and it will not give us a voice to decide how the funds are distributed.
SO PLEASE copy the letter below (or feel free to write your own) into an email, or use it to call the Committee members below. IF you can’t take the time for all of them, PLEASE AT THE VERY LEAST EMAIL OR CALL Sen. Bonoff the COMMITTEE CHAIR. WE HAVE TIL TUESDAY when this will be decided. We have done great work and gotten much farther than we have in the past….this is the last high hurdle for this session. We want to get this DONE. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. Please copy me in your email at [email protected] Matthew Senator Bonoff and Committee Members of Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Capitol, Room 325 St. Paul, MN 55155-1606 Senator Bonoff and Committee Members, Thank you very much for your support of the Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury Communities’ request to invest in the research that seeks to provide innovative treatments for our injuries (SF #766). It is my hope that we are able to retain the spirit of this Bill to support innovations over institutions, and to give us a voice in the decision making process. We are following many research projects from HCMC, the Mayo Clinic, the VA, Courage Kenny Rehab Institute and the University of Minnesota. It is our hope that all of them would be able to compete for funds and the best among them be recipients of the investment toward functional improvement for our injuries. Some of these research projects are poised to move from the bench to the bedside as the field is advancing, and funding is the bottleneck. Other projects are seeking to more deeply understand the nature of the injury and investigate the optimal strategies for repair. All of them are in need of funds to move the field forward and ultimately provide treatment options for the 118,000 Minnesotans living with these devastating injuries. We are fearful that the implications of rolling this initiative into a single institution with a broad application of dollars will lead to a negligible impact upon our concerns. Thank you very much for listening to us and working hard on our behalf. Sincerely, Committee Chair: Sen. Bonoff 651-296-4314 [email protected] Senator Torres Ray: 651-296-4272 Greg D. Clausen (57, DFL) 303 Capitol 651-296-4120 E-mail: Use Mail Form Jeremy R. Miller (28, R) 135 State Office Building 651-296-5649 E-mail: [email protected] Kent Eken (04, DFL) 303 Capitol 651-296-3205 E-mail: [email protected] Melisa Franzen (49, DFL) 306 Capitol 651-296-6238 E-mail: Use Mail Form Susan Kent (53, DFL) 205 Capitol 651-296-4166 E-mail: Use Mail Form Carla J. Nelson (26, R) 117 State Office Building 651-296-4848 E-mail: [email protected] Julianne E. Ortman (47, R) 119 State Office Building 651-296-4837 E-mail: [email protected] Branden Petersen (35, R) 127 State Office Building 651-296-3733 E-mail: [email protected] Eric R. Pratt (55, R) 23 State Office Building 651-296-4123 E-mail: [email protected] Kathy Sheran (19, DFL) G-12 Capitol 651-296-6153 E-mail: [email protected] Dan Sparks (27, DFL) 328 Capitol 651-296-9248 E-mail: [email protected]